Friday, October 9, 2009


I am back from my Spring vacation. I never went anywhere. For this post, I have a special question and answer column that goes through some questions that people may have.

Q: I want to lose weight or maintain my weight, is eating after 7pm fine?
A: There is is this 'rule' that to maintain or to lose weight you can't eat after 7pm. The rule is false. You can eat after 7pm as long as you are hungry. If you are not hungry, don't eat. Another angle is that it depends on what you eat. If hunger does strike and you don't listen to your body, it will fall into starvation mode. Not good... So eat something that is wholesome like some carrot sticks, an apple, a piece of rye or sourdough toast or some dried fruit...up to you.

Q: Is drinking Diet drinks (Diet Sodas) good for my health?
A: Diet drinks in form of diet sodas are not good for the health of anyone. They are full of fake sugars, phosphoric acid, and colour. The fake sugars are detrimental to health, though the jury is still out on that one. The phosphoric acid is very acidic and can cause osteoporosis and other health problems. The colour that is sometimes used could be carcinogenic. So never drink the diet sodas nor sugared sodas and go to water or freshly done juices instead.

Q: How much water should I really drink?
A: It depends on the person, but a minimum is 2 litres, but can go up to 3-4 litres per day if in air conditioning or been exercising strenuously.

If you have any questions that need asking, please email me at

Health Matters

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


It is September and that means, Spring. It is the time for a spring clean for the body and mind. So for the the month of September, I will be writing about the season of Spring, and what to do to make it healthier. So it is out with the old and in with the new.


A friend of mine did a test on how the scalp (on your head) does absorb everything into the bloodstream, just like the skin on your face and body. She dyed her hair with a commercial hair product. She then tested her urine hours later through biological testing. They found ingredients of the hair dye in the urine. Which means anything you put on your head does go through to every part of the body some way or another. Which is scary, as hair dye has so many toxic chemicals that these are absorbed into the body. Scary!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Yes. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is a vitamin that heals and is known to combat colds and flu. It is an antioxidant and natural food preservative. It protects the body from damage from 'free radicals'. In the past, there have been studies that show no actual benefits of vitamin C as benefiting health. However, the studies were with the Recommended Daily Allowance of 40 - 60mg (in the form of chewable tablets). Of course there would be no benefits. The body seems to do well with more than the 40 - 60mg, like in the form of 2000mg. This is a good level for health and well being. Vitamin C is prevalent in apples, lemons, oranges, grapes, watermelon, grapefruit, strawberries, kiwi fruits, berries, mangoes. Did you know, strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges. If you are limited in fruit, then tablets may be good, or the chewable ones may be preferred. The best ones are the Blackmores variety. So, for utmost health and well being, don't forget the Vitamin C. Remember, the vitamin is needed daily, and is not kept in the body like other vitamins and minerals may be.

Health Matters

Monday, August 17, 2009


I am being asked questions about whether 'fat free' is healthier than 'full fat'. My answer is that it depends. In a lot of commercial processed foods, the 'fat free' products have increased sugar content to counter balance the taste that is lost, as fat makes food taste that much better, and it makes you feel fuller longer. So the product is not at all healthier. It would have been easier for the fat to be added. However, in milk, the versions of 'skim' and 'lite' are preferred for easier digestion, and perhaps less 'on the hips'. But even if you have full cream milk, all fine in moderation, however, it is still a questionable food (drink) for human consumption. With salad dressing, it is best to go full fat (ie. Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Macadamia Oil) as the fat better utilises the Vitamin A (Beta Carotene) from the salad for full utilisation in the body. We do need fat in our diets, but it has to be from good fats, such as; Olive Oil, Macadamia Oil, Sesame Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocados, Almonds, Macadamias, Sesame Seeds etc. If you have any questions, please write them in the 'comments' section (just a click).

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My second post, and I thought I may make it a beauty spot. This with the help of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) may be used in more culinary delights, but it's useful in skin and hair care too. The following tips are to help combat ageing naturally, and to create that youthful glow.

To increase skin's youthful look, why not dab some EVOO onto the face (whilst in the shower), then after ten mins, wash it off with your normal cleanser. Your skin will feel great. Finish off with your normal moisturiser (if you have to). Do this 2 - 3 times per week, especially with city living. Olive oil naturally cleanses the skin, and creates the balance your skin may need. You can try this Olive Oil tip for your body too, especially in Winter.

To increase the health of hair, put the EVOO in the hair, and leave for 15 minutes. Wash out with shampoo. Your hair will feel fine, shiny and healthy.

Health Matters

Friday, August 7, 2009


Green Tea is touted as the miracle tea, with more benefits then any other tea on the market, according to food scientists. The reason for this is green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant, inhibits the growth of cancer cells, and some studies have shown it can kill cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. But Green Tea can do much more than that, it can help a person's weight management, and can protect the teeth against tooth decay. For around 4,000 years, Green Tea has said to combat more illnesses and ailments then one can imagine a plant can do.

For myself, Green Tea has helped with the war on free radicals ("free radicals" are organic molecules responsible for ageing, tissue damage, possibly disease). Free radicals are created by environmental pollution, trans fats, cigarette smoke, poisons, radiation, and chemical cleaners and pesticides etc. While living in a city, and knowing that I am bombarded with these 'free radicals', I know that I am protected by drinking Green Tea. I feel it does increase my immunity, and protects me from illness, especially in winter.

Since Green Tea is known for it's health benefits internally, the beauty industry is on the bandwagon with adding Green Tea to its ingredient listings in skin care, and anti-ageing products. You would think that topically Green Tea would do wonders for the skin. But the amount of green tea in a product varies, so look how far down Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis, Sancha) is on the list of ingredients to decide whether its benefits would work topically.

To stay healthy, and perhaps youthful, drink a cup of Green Tea (either Organic or Conventional). However Green Tea does have a teeny bit of caffeine, so perhaps a few cups per day would not be a problem, but more than that and it could cause you to stay awake. But it depends on your body.

Health Matters